Monday 4 May 2015


If you read this post here, you'll know that this is the second time in a year that I'm moving house and we all know that it's not cheap. I can never justify buying a tonne of new furniture when you know there's going to be looooads of bills on their way in quickly afterwards. But nearly the entirety of my home being from IKEA, I feel like I've become quite the pro at buying furniture second hand.

I've always found that browsing online or in stores first really helps. Get an idea of what you want, the colour, the size, the style then turn to eBay or Gumtree, even your local newspaper might have something in there that catches your eye. Then if you can - go and view it! I've sold plenty of things online in my time, including furniture and its not always the first person that comes to see your item that will take it straight away. You gotta scour the market for the best deal, but also from a genuine seller with good intentions, not just to rip you off.  I've always found it so much more helpful to build a relationship with the person you're buying from too, if they're genuinely wanting to sell a good product for a good price, the chances are they will be willing to help out. Maybe by lowering the price, or helping with delivery - who knows! I bagged myself 2 sofas for the price of one once because the lady was just going to take it to the tip even though it was completely salvageable and because we wanted to help she didn't want any money for it - win.

I hope this maybe helped some of you who are looking into moving and wanted to save some money! I'll be doing some apartment snippets once I'm all set up and I'll be sure to let you know which bits were my bargain finds - you'll be so surprised! Don't forget to follow me on Bloglovin to stay up to date with my posts.

Charlotte x

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